Specializes in removing small dents or humps using tool kits that are specially
designed for this purpose. The tool kits are used to locate the exact spot on
the dent or hump and then using the right method to remove it.
This process requires a high degree of perfection using the combination of
eye and hands movement which complement each other in a trained manner.
This technique is not new. It has been adopted over 20 years by automotive
manufacturer in foreign countries to repair minor damage on the assembly line.
January 11, 1996
No dent too small for Wong
Jerry Wong is a self-confessed perfectionist.
His eyes are always quick to detect the slightest dent on any surface.
October 27, 1995
Now you see it, now you don't
What will you do if YOUR precious beauty (car) gets dented? You will probably send it to the workshop to remove the dent.
April 8, 1996